Control the Problem - Alter your Paradigm - Develop a Solution.

Hi there - I'm Dave. Thanks for dropping by to take a look at my site. Please take a look around. If you like what you see- or if you have an idea but you need some help moving it forward- please continue to my technology blog here.



Since I'm not writing an autobiography I'll keep this simple. I love creating things. From a not-so-humble beginning as a wanna-be actor (read: handyman and carpenter) to earning a B.S. in computer science, my life has taken more than a few turns. But one thing has remained constant- the drive and passion to create.

As you'll see from my varied projects, I have experience with C++, Javascript, and a bit of C# as well as HTML5 and CSS3. I consider myself a perpetual student of coding and design and continue to develop as a... well, developer. With a solid foundation in programming and a knack for aesthetics, I see myself as a generalist with a desire to specialize.

In order to discover where my path will lead- I keep coding. I have several projects in the works. For a sneak peak, feel free to visit my GitHub page.

I am currently employed as an IT Supervisor, gaining useful knowledge about networking and business technologies, but my passion remains with design and development. When I'm not coding or working I enjoy playing with my two kids (7 and 3), playing music, and occassionally still play video games. Although, with two young kids and a fierce coding habit, there is less and less time for gaming- I'd rather build them.

Anyway, too much talking. Let's get down to business!...



Engine: Unreal
Language: C++ (console and blueprint scripting)
Responsibilities: HUD design and implementation, main character modeling and animation, debugging
Other Software Used: 3DS Max, Photoshop, Spacescape.
Details: This was a student project. I handled a great deal of the modeling and UI implementation. Our team loved it so much that there is still work being done on it in the hopes that we can bring it to market. As such, I can't show the source, but please feel free to download the game and enjoy!

Dreadgulch Valley

Engine: Unity
Language: C#
Responsibilities:animation scripting, cinema scene development, asset modeling, debugging
Other Software Used: 3DS Max, Photoshop, Audacity.
Details: This was a fun one! It was my first foray into Unity and C# after spending a lot of time in the Unreal engine. Needless to say I learned quite a bit and became more flexible as a programmer. Take a look at the source or dowload the playable!

Cows and Bulls

Cows and Bulls graphic

Engine: Console
Language: C++
Responsibilities: Project lead, user logic, code consolidation, debugging.
Other Software Used: none.
Details: Another (you guessed it) student project. The challenge here was to create a very basic AI. With an emphasis on the "basic," we accomplished the task and created a fun little game. It's a code breaking game in the style of "Mastermind", wherein one guesses at a 4 digit code, if the number isn't in the code the computer returns N (nothing). If the number is in the code but in the wrong location, we get C (cow) returned. Finally if the number is correct and in the right sequence, the number is given a (B) bull! It was interesting to delve into the very basic level of AI and something I hope to work on again! That being said I do want to come back to this at some point and add a bit more intelligence to the artificial... enjoy!

Coming Soon...

Sunblush Photography website

A simple, stylish photography website, SunBlush Photography is not yet live, as I am awaiting Actual photos and her preferred description and pricing to really put it into action. However, if you'd like to look at it (and the coding behind the image carousel) I've put up the code on GitHub. Take a look!

CrtlAltDevelop is my site that I plan on housing all of my personal projects, both open source and paid programs, as I develop them. The main page is still under construction- this is the portfolio page attached to it. I've got some exciting things on the way, including ideas on a workout app and an event coordination app, so stay tuned!

This site right here...

Welcome to what will be my new portfolio site... at least until I decide to change it up again. As I said I have some fun ideas about what will come next, but in reality there is a whole lot more utility in building actual apps and other websites instead of doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result- that's just plain crazy!


Dave Nadeau

Having obtained a B.S. in Game and Simulation Programming, I have a solid foundation in Object Oriented Programming with a mid-level programming language (C++) as well as an eye toward design (JS, HTML, CSS) as I have several websites I have developed. Numerous certificates also speak to my thirst for knowledge and skills in a wide range of development. I have also spent time in the business IT industry doing everything from help desk tasks to overseeing difficult software integration projects. I see myself as a generalist with a desire to specialize.



Programmer(C++)/HUD Designer/Character Design and Animation
Resources: Unreal Engine, 3DS Max, Photoshop

This was a student project. A team of four, we created a space themed first person shooter with horde-style gameplay. Implementing the HUD was integral to the look and feel of the game and proved an arduous process. Along with some great lessons learned in coding and debugging, I learned about letting go of ideas in the spirit of collaboration. I was also the sole animator of the group, creating original models, then rigging and animating them.

Dreadgulch Valley

Programmer (C#)/3D modeling/Cinema Scenes
Resources: Unity, 3DS Max, Photoshop, Audacity

Another student project and again a team of four, we were able to assemble this alien western story with multiple levels in a very short 8 weeks. I created many models for this game, but the crown jewel was the space ship and its cinema scene. While I did spend a great deal of time in that role, it was also my first exposure to the C# language. Because of that, I cast myself into debugging. In my experience thus far, there is no better way to learn the subtleties of a language while deepening your understanding of core concepts than debugging bad code.


Job History

Ctrl Alt Develop

Developer (2018- Present, self-employed)

  • Began as freelance work, now serves as the hub of all saleable and open-source projects

Paradise Valley Estates, Fairfield, Ca

IT Supervisor (2015- Present)

  • Project lead for community-wide audio/visual remodel project (Design, RFP, vendor coordination, budget)
  • Tasked with bringing all IT Security and HIPAA policies and procedures up to date and fully implemented
  • Led implementation of new software system for event coordination
  • Lead educator for use of coordination software


Have an idea? Need some help breathing life into the matter? Let's talk!

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